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Water is an essential |
Written by Toma Grubb | |||||||
Thursday, 12 October 2006 | |||||||
Water is an essential requirement for good nutrition!! What are the recommended servings of water per day?
Although the data regarding optimal water intake is unclear, as a guide to ensure adequate hydration under normal circumstances, current recommendation:
The vast majority of healthy people adequately meet their daily hydration needs by letting thirst be their guide. Why should you drink water?
How much water do you need? The equivalent of 8 cups of water for women and 12 cups of water for men is the minimum amount of fluid recommended daily to replace water losses under conditions of moderate activity, mild temperature, and altitude. Fluid requirements increase due to exercise, environmental factors, fever, pregnancy, and other conditions.
Dietary Sources
Specific Considerations Dehydration
Drinking Too Much Water
Chlorine and Lead Chlorine and lead are the two most common contaminants in tap and some bottled water. Although it may serve an important role in a public water supply, chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent and may increase the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Small amounts of lead may be toxic, especially in infants, children, and pregnant women. The following are some ideas to increase the likelihood that your drinking water is safe:
Ideas to Increase Water Consumption
References Dietary Intake for Water, Salt, and Potassium. National Academies web site. Available at: www.nas.eduNutrition Fact Sheet: Water. Northwestern University web site. Available at: Water: How much should you drink every day? CNN web site. Available at: What’s the best water filter? Today’s Question. Dr. Weil’s web site. Available at: Too much water? Today’s Question. Dr. Weil’s web site. Available at: |
Last Updated ( Saturday, 20 January 2007 ) |
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