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PCF Ratio PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Toma Grubb   
Sunday, 15 October 2006


PCF Ratio
Optimized PCF Ratio
There is an optimal mix when we are trying to balance our nutrient intake. In very simplified terms, there is a Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat Ratio (PCF Ratio) that will work best. The chart to the right shows what is working extremely well for me, PCF Ratio: 20-50-30. The standard PCF is more typically defined as 15-55-30. a body builder may want to use something close to 25-50-25. You might notice in all the examples the ratios are pretty close. Some "diets" go to extremes. Some of those extremes can actually be harmful.


In my case, I was told to go on a "low Carb" "low fat" "low Cholesterol" "low sodium" "low sugar" "potassium enriched" diet. I though, "my god, I will never be able to enjoy food again." This turned out to be far from the truth but that is discussed in other parts of the site. I did a lot of research and found each restriction had its own limitations. I also found that most of the "restrictions" are really just good nutrition concepts that everyone should follow. The "low" seems to usually be defined as compared to the normal bad diet most Americans are used to. I also discovered we are fed a lot of misinformation by people and companies with an agenda to push. Be assured my only agenda is good nutrition for good health. I am open to anything that works that is better than what I am doing now. I do not manufacture foods, ,supplements or anything else. Any thing I recommend I recommend because I have found solid research that says it is a good concept and it is something that is working extremely well for me and those I am coaching.


Why PCF instead of simple carb counting or the exchanges recommended by the ADA? There are two things wrong with simple carb counting.


  1. Allmost all meals are a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Neither carb counting nor the exchanges methods deals effectivly or  accuratly in preparing a well balanced meal.
  2. The old ADA recommendations from three years ago did not account for the differences in carbohydrates and their effect on blood glucose.
  3. While the PCF ratio by it's self does not take into account the differences in carbohydrates, fats or proteins, it does at least help get them into a proper balance.


The ADA and other medical associations seem to have the mind set that we are all ignorant, iresponsible and incapable of making informed  choices about our health. This site is built on the concept that we each have to be our own chronic disease sef-manager. I believe those using this site are intelegent, capable of making good choices and wanting to do the best we can to control our health.


The PCF is harder to use and is very difficult without good nutrition software to apply it. I think the best nutrition software is  the NutriBase Nutrition software we recommend from this site. If you would like a free 14 day evaluation copy of the software to see just how powerful it is download my ebook that includes a link to the 

Last Updated ( Monday, 07 July 2008 )

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