Super Foods that Heal - Beans |
Written by Toma Grubb | |
Wednesday, 22 November 2006 | |
Legumes, also known as dried beans and pulses, are the edible seeds that grow in pods on annual plants, bushes, or vines of the Leguminosae family. The seeds can be eaten fresh, sprouted, dried and ground into flour, or prepared in countless other ways. Legumes are often cooked in combination with grains, because when the amino acids they contain are combined this way they provide complete protein. Leading members of the legume family include beans (Phaseolus), lentils (Lens), and peanuts (Arachis). Beans are a Nutritional Power House When separating the "haves" from the "have nots" on the playing field of nutrition, beans line up as first-string all-stars. Beans are found in two places on the USDA's Food Guide Pyramid - with high-protein foods such as meat, eggs, poultry and fish, and also with vitamin-rich vegetables. The double dose of nutrition packed into beans make them a "must have" in the daily diet. Beans are an extremely beneficial component in all diets because they are high in complex carbohydrates, protein and dietary fiber, low in fat, calories and sodium, and completely cholesterol-free. As little as a half-cup of beans added to the daily diet can be very helpful in reaching important nutrition goals.
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