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Written by Toma Grubb   
Sunday, 13 April 2008

Actual blood glucose reading

This is an actual daily glucose reading on my Canadian blood glucose meter. On a US Meter this would be about 79 mg/dl.

On this site I share the diabetic diet Secrets that I had  to search to find for myself. I could not find all of this information on one site so I decided make a site to make it easier for others.

Let me help you become healthier.

Normal non-diabetic readings are:

Before Meals
2Hrs After a Meal (from the time you started your meal)
Normal Range of Glucose (Achieve these levels if you can do it safely)
4-6 mmol/L
72- 108 mg/dl
United States
5-8 mmol/L
90 -  144 mg/dl
United States
4-7 mmol/L
5-10 mmol/L


View the video for a quick intro telling you what this site is about. ( 5 Minutes 55 seconds )



You too can have great glucose control. Finding the best information for the optimal diabetic diet plan can be very time consuming and frustrating. I did the work to find the best for me and I feel it is my responsibility to share it with others. On this site you will find diabetic diet strategies that can help you obtain optimal glucose control. A good diabetic diet plan can help you avoid the complications of uncontrolled blood glucose such as amputation, blindness, heart problems and a host of other diabetic complications that come with poor blood glucose control.


To make things even easier for you I have also added a Free Initial Diabetics Diet assessment based on what worked for me to get my A1C down to 5.2 from 20.9 in just 90 days. Our Diabetic Diet analysis returns a multi page report telling you exactly what your diabetic diet should consist of in detail based multiple factors unique to you.


You need to be a member of this site if:

  • You are a type 2 diabetic on medications and your Blood glucose is not consistently at or near 100 mg/dl (US scale) 5.6 mmol/L all other countries.
  • Your medical practitioner told you you are pre-diabetic or insulin resistant and you were not given specifics to control it.
  • You have not been diagnosed but there is a history of diabetes in your family.
  • You are more than 30 pounds over weight.
The "gold standard" for diagnosing diabetes is an elevated blood sugar level after an overnight fast (not eating anything after midnight). A value above 140 mg/dl or 6.9 mmol/Lon at least two occasions typically means a person has diabetes.
Normal people have fasting sugar levels that generally run between 70-110 mg/dl. on a US blood glucose meter and 4.4-5.5 mmol/L


 Facts to consider:

  • According to Government studies, over half of diagnosed type 2 diabetics are poorly controlled.
  • Official government sources say, "The majority of type 2 diabetics can be well controlled with diet and exercise."
  • The specifics of controlling type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise are hard to find.
  • If half of all type 2 diabetics are poorly controlled, the accepted standard treatments are not working.
You probably would not be looking at this site if you didn't already have a problem. This site can help you find the answers that so many never find. The best investment you can make is in your health. Learning good diabetic dietary practices can restore your health. A healthier you will save you money on medical cost. Proper diet habits will greatly reduce your risks of coronary complications, kidney problems and diabetic complications such as blindness, amputation and other very serious concerns.

Why become a member of Diabetic Diet  

  • Most type 2 diabetics, pre-diabetics, and insulin resistant people can be well controlled with diet and exercise.
  • I learned diet tracking and control techniques that resulted in good blood glucose control with out the need for medications. I will share what is working for me and others I have shared these Diabetic Diet Secrets with.
  • You will be able to learn from and share information with other site members. As this site grows, it will be more than just a website. will be an on-line community of people just like you who want to have their diabetes and other nutrition related medical conditions as well controlled as possible.
  • You will be able to exchange healthy recipes with complete nutrition values with other members using the NutriBase nutrition tracking software.
  • You will have access to a growing number of people facing the same problems you face. Peer support is important. There are many approaches to controlling diabetes, acid reflux, cholesterol and other nutrition based medical problems. You will have access to others who have been successful with the same problems you face.
  • Trying to find the right information and sorting through the growing cloud of bad information will be made easier. Everything you are taught on this site will have links to references where you can check it out for your self.
  • Shopping tips. I, and others on the site, have already had to track down the best sources of supplies and equipment. Find the best places to buy what you will need at the best prices.
  • You will have the best Nutrition Tracking Software and access to a network of others who use it. I spent a lot of money and time searching for the best diet software. Diabetic Diet Secrets does not own the software or rights to it. It was selected over many others because it has the best combination of features and price.
  • If you have not done so already, order your software. Software purchase and site membership are separate. You will need the software to fully use the information on this site and you will need a site membership to be able to access the member's areas of this site.
Learn the secrets of controlling Diabetes with diet and exercise

  Site Membership is free!!

Acknowledgments: We wish to thank the following who have provided assistance in developing and promoting this site.




The fine folks at Alliance Health who provide funding for our server.

If you are a US resident check with them for medical supplies delivered to your door at little or no cost.

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This site started on a shared server at MidPhase. Whenever I had problems with managing the server the techs at MidPhase were helpful and have gone above and beyond to assist me. As the site grew and needed more powerful servers the answer was at a new company  that was a spin off from MidPhase with many of the same people  that helped me at MidPhase. I recommend you try either for your hosting needs.






The Joomla community and the many component and module developers who created all the wonderful scripts that make this site possible.

  Check our link partners
Comments (1)add
written by Carolyn Moore , April 15, 2008
My daughter is a diabetic at 17 and I am pre diabetic with several family members that are diabetic
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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 20 May 2008 )
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