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folder_icons/folder_blue_software.gif Joomla Training


folder_icons/folder_blue_paint.gif NutriBase Meal Files


NutriBase Meal files - individual meals optimized to NutriCoach Standards


These files are for individual meals which have been optimized for good nutrition according to the NutriCoach Standards and can be added to meal plans so you can do a customized meal plan to your taste. Make sure the file you download is compatible with your version of NutriBase i.e. NutriBase 6 or Nutribase 7 junior and up.


Why would I prefer NutriBase Junior, Personal, or Personal Plus over NutriBase EZ?
In a word... Power. These editions of NutriBase provide many of the high-end features found in NutriBase Clinical, Clinical SE, and Network editions of NutriBase. However, with this power comes a more sophisticated user interface that involves repositioning and resizing windows and the ability to move from window-to-window as you work. These editions come with a User's Manual that covers 160+ "How to" topics. If you are a power user and you like wringing software out for all it's worth, one of the consumer editions may be right for you.

folder_icons/folder_blue_docs.gif NutriBase Meal Plan Files


NutriBase Meal Plan files. Experienced NutriBase users who are well controlled:

Share your optimized meal plan to assist new members who are newly diagnosed or poorly controlled diabetics. Make sure the file you download is compatible with your version of NutriBase i.e. NutriBase 6 or Nutribase 7 junior and up.


Why would I prefer NutriBase Junior, Personal, or Personal Plus over NutriBase EZ?
In a word... Power. These editions of NutriBase provide many of the high-end features found in NutriBase Clinical, Clinical SE, and Network editions of NutriBase. However, with this power comes a more sophisticated user interface that involves repositioning and resizing windows and the ability to move from window-to-window as you work. These editions come with a User's Manual that covers 160+ "How to" topics. If you are a power user and you like wringing software out for all it's worth, one of the consumer editions may be right for you.


folder_icons/folder_blue.gif NutriBase Recipe files


NutriBase recipe files optimized to NutriCoach Standards

You may upload or download recipe files from NutriBase Junior, Personal, or Personal Plus, Nutribase Clinical, or NutriBase Network edition. Files may not be compatible between versions 6 and 7. make sure you are downloading a file appropriate to your edition.

Make sure the file you download is compatible with your version of NutriBase i.e. NutriBase 6 or Nutribase 7 junior and up.


Why would I prefer NutriBase Junior, Personal, or Personal Plus over NutriBase EZ?
In a word... Power. These editions of NutriBase provide many of the high-end features found in NutriBase Clinical, Clinical SE, and Network editions of NutriBase. However, with this power comes a more sophisticated user interface that involves repositioning and resizing windows and the ability to move from window-to-window as you work. These editions come with a User's Manual that covers 160+ "How to" topics. If you are a power user and you like wringing software out for all it's worth, one of the consumer editions may be right for you.



folder_icons/folder_blue_docs.gif Personal Food Items

There are over 30,000 foods in the NutriBase food databases making it rare to find foods not already there. On occasion you many find some and add them to your personal foods list. There may be others searching for this same item. If you have one that you want to share you may upload it here. See instructions for exporting files in your NutriBase Help files. Please only add Personal food Items that you have fully researched and provide complete nutrient information.
Remository 3.43. is technology by Black Sheep Research

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