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User Rating: / 4
Written by Toma Grubb   
Sunday, 06 April 2008
powered by RatePoint

RatePoint because reputation is everything Third party endoursments are important to any effort whether it be a busines, a non-profit, a campaign or a grass roots mission such as this one. RatePoint acts as a proactive comsumer rating service where you can voice your opinion.


Here is what others have had to say about and what they have rated us.


Do you have a business or other website that can benefit from third party endoursments?

About RatePoint

The new standard for business quality

RatePoint was created to promote online and offline business quality while enhancing the relationship between businesses and consumers. (even though is not a traditional business and because of what we do it is maybe even more important to build a trust relationship with those who view our site.)

Launched in 2006, RatePoint champions the needs of businesses worldwide by providing them with an easy and affordable way to build successful, lasting customer relationships, manage their online reputation, grow their business and increase consumer confidence. For consumers, we provide an easy way to reach out to businesses and improve communications. Even though is not a traditional business and because of what we do it is maybe even more important to build a trust relationship with those who view our site through a trusted third party rating service.

RatePoint, headquarted in Needham, Mass., is privately held, with funding from Prism VentureWorks and .406 Ventures.

The RatePoint Story

RatePoint is the product of what we have learned about the needs of businesses and consumers, the technology and platforms we've previously developed, and our collective experiences.

Neal Creighton, Chris Bailey, Mike Rowan and Kefeng Chen founded RatePoint in 2006 to create a way for businesses and consumers to interact in a meaningful way.  In 2001 they launched GeoTrust, the world's second largest provider of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates.  GeoTrust secured over 30 percent of the world's online transactions, and gave businesses a way to let consumers know they were safe online.  But while SSL answered the question -- "Is this site secure?" -- it didn't answer one of the primary concerns of consumers -- "Is this a quality, trusted business?"   Our founders decided that if they ever had a chance to start another company they would try to answer that question. When VeriSign acquired GeoTrust in September 2006, RatePoint was founded.    

Today, RatePoint is helping businesses (and sites like ours) worldwide connect with customers and manage their online reputation. We look forward to working with consumers and businesses of all types and sizes in improving the way business takes place.


Can RatePoint help your website or business?

 Take the Tour

RatePoint is the first consumer-driven program thatprovides businesses with an affordable, interactive customer feedback platform that allows you toeasily collect feedback from customers and manage it in a meaningful way.

Programs such as the Better Business Bureau passively focus on complaints, only reaching out to businesses when something is wrong. Other websites provide reviews, but no avenue for a business owner to respond to an individual customer's needs.

RatePoint changes this by providing a way for consumers to let their voice be heard, while allowing you to manage this feedback, respond to it, and ultimately create a great customer experience, all while promoting your commitment to quality.

With RatePoint, businesses can proactively manage their online reputation and take full
advantage of the benefits of user-generated ratings and reviews -- including improved customer retention and loyalty, better communication with their customers, and increased conversion rates.

  • The RatePoint website seal, a recognized symbol of a quality business, and the method used to collect and publish reviews.
  • A customized listing in the RatePoint online business directory that is searchable by
    millions of consumers. Directory listings can provide better search engine ptimization
    (SEO) and increased traffic.
  • Access to the RatePoint business center, an online interface that allows businesses
    to easily manage and respond to feedback and reviews. The business dashboard also provides a host of other feedback management and marketing tools for businesses.
  • An online mediation tool that allows you to reach out directly to any customers who may submit a negative review, giving you the opportunity to turn an unhappy customer into a happy and satisfied customer.

Join the RatePoint Consumer Approval Program today Order rate point for your site !


Last Updated ( Monday, 01 December 2008 )
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