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Alliance Health - Diabetic Alliance PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Toma Grubb   
Friday, 22 February 2008 is pleased to announce a partnership with Alliance Health. We are very fussy about who we will associate ourselves with. A product, service or company that is in anyway contrary to our philosophy of maintaining optimum health through proper diet cannot get on this site for any amount of money. I have personally met with and can strongly endorse Alliance health.

Alliance Health maintains which is the leading website that empowers consumers by connecting them to trusted providers of diabetic testing supplies. They utilize Their network to locate the best possible healthcare solution for you — quickly, easily, and safely.

Their unique marketplace concept was created especially to:

  • Connect consumers with a network of major, national, regional, and local diabetic testing supply dealers across the U.S. Their clients represent major corporations and independents nationwide.
  • They provide a convenient 'one-stop-shop' destination for your diabetic testing supply needs by giving you convenience and value while finding the product and provider that's perfect for you.

How does it work?

The Diabetic Alliance receives each request for more information and matches it to a quality healthcare provider within their network. Their providers work hard to find ways to save you money on your glucose testing supplies — and there are other benefits to choosing the Diabetic Alliance, including your choice of free gifts, a free Diabetes Control Guide, free home delivery, and no confusing paperwork.

How does the Diabetic Alliance save me money?
Through the Diabetic Alliance, Medicare may cover your glucose testing supplies. A Diabetic Alliance member will work with you and your insurance to help you get the supplies at little or no cost to you.

Who does the Diabetic Alliance help?
The Diabetic Alliance helps all individuals suffering from Diabetes who are on Medicare and would like their supplies delivered to their home at little or no cost.

Check out the offers from Diabetic alliance  


Unique Approach

A Passion for Healthcare—A Passion for Performance

At Alliance Health, our vision is to build a new paradigm of greater interaction between consumers and healthcare marketers. It’s a paradigm driven by access to information, by compelling content, and by tailored experiences. By creating the consumer experiences and the technology systems, Alliance Health hopes to drive a healthcare experience that is based on one-to-one connections—connecting consumers to the care and savings they need and marketers to highly qualified consumer interactions.

We recognize the deeply personal nature of health. However, most health-related content on the Internet is too generalized and generic. In contrast, we have developed a highly targeted, distributed media platform that 1) reaches consumers precisely where they’re looking for healthcare information and, 2) leverages the prevalence of related medical conditions to present relevant information with an intelligent cross-selling engine. We’ve combined our proprietary properties with a pay-for-performance model that opens the door for all healthcare providers, suppliers, and manufacturers to maximize their marketing budget—no matter how large or small. Your risk is drastically reduced in our performance-driven programs, which provide precise accountability and measurability as we help you build one-to-one relationships with relevant consumers.

Our approach is backed by proprietary technology designed exclusively for healthcare marketing. Our Persona™ health marketing management platform was developed to efficiently manage consumer campaigns across the span of interactive touch points including email, web properties, display ads, or newsletters. This relevancy-driven technology allows us to serve more relevant information and product depth, to develop loyal relationships, to track preferences and privacy, and to deliver customer interactions quickly and accurately.

Additionally, our PersonaMatch™ co-morbidity ranking algorithm allows us to exploit the prevalence of related medical conditions and to use predictive modeling to place correlated healthcare advertising in front of the right consumers. For the first time, healthcare advertising can be served up and driven by medical probabilities rather than simple economic models. The effect is greater relevance to the consumer and greater exposure for targeted products and services.

We invite you to explore this site to learn more about all the ways we can serve your healthcare marketing needs.

Consumer Networks

We offer the balanced approach of both Active and Passive Inquiry Networks. Plus, our powerful Cross-Selling Network opens new marketing opportunities. More >>

Marketer Solutions

From lead generation to email marketing, we offer a complete suite of performance-based solutions tailored to the unique demands of the healthcare market. Whether you’re a localized supplier or an established national brand, we have programs to meet your needs. More >>


Lead by a highly qualified management team, Alliance Health is uniquely positioned to deliver outstanding results. Learn more about who we are and opportunities to work with us.

The Alliance Health Mission

To passionately serve consumers and healthcare marketers by creating and growing mutually rewarding connections between consumers seeking to manage their health and the products, services, and solutions that match their needs.

Founded in 2002, Alliance Health is building the leading performance-driven healthcare marketing platform. Our network, brands, and technologies are designed to deliver two critical objectives: greater value to the healthcare consumer and greater efficiency to the healthcare marketer.

We specialize in engaging consumers online by diseases, conditions, and other important healthcare segments. By delivering valuable healthcare information about the right products and services at the right time, Alliance Health helps consumers save time and money—and ultimately make better healthcare choices. We believe that helping consumers get better care at a lower cost is essential to improving the healthcare system in this country.

For the healthcare marketer, we are able to increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of your online marketing programs. Whether you are a local provider servicing a few zip codes or a national provider with multiple product categories, Alliance Health has the interactive programs and technology systems required to help you make connections with the right consumers—while reducing your marketing costs for each new engagement. We believe that by reducing marketing waste and increasing efficiency for marketers we can help drive down the overall cost of healthcare. logo_da.png


Last Updated ( Thursday, 24 July 2008 )
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